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Article: Notebook (Stationery) Guide: Stylish Designs, Types, and Ruling Styles

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Notebook (Stationery) Guide: Stylish Designs, Types, and Ruling Styles

Types of Notebooks

When we were young, we used notebooks for drawing, in school for studying, and as adults, we use them for work and schedule management. Looking back, notebooks have been one of the most enduring stationery items in our lives. In the past, lined notebooks, commonly known as university notebooks, were the standard. However, today there are many different types of notebooks available. With diverse designs and a wide range of options suited for various purposes, in this article, we will introduce notebooks from three perspectives: shape, ruling style, and size.

Binding notebooks: The most common type of notebook is bound in the center using thread or adhesive. This is collectively called a "binding notebook." It is easy to use and affordable, making it the most popular choice. One of the benefits of binding notebooks is the wide variety of designs available. From fancy to colorful, retro designs, and even international styles, there is a wide range of options to choose from depending on personal preferences and intended use.


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